Keynote Speakers
Maria Antónia Lopes
Universidade de Coimbra
Maria Antónia Lopes, PhD in Modern and Contemporary History from the University of Coimbra, is an Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Letters of that University, where she directs the PhD in History. She collaborates with the Faculty of Medicine, ensuring the Master’s seminar “Economic and Social History of Health Care in Portugal”. She has also taught on the Master’s and Doctoral programmes in Feminist Studies at FLUC, on Erasmus programmes at the Universities of León, Santiago de Compostela, Viterbo, UNINT (Rome) and the First International Summer School at the University of Catania (Italy).
She is an integrated researcher and member of the Board of the Centre for the History of Society and Culture (CHSC) and a collaborator of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20).
Her research area is the Social and Cultural History of Portugal from the 16th century to the first decades of the 20th century, focusing mainly on the 18th and 19th centuries and exploring literary, legislative, administrative and private sources to work on women, the poor, social policies, doctrinal works on charity, misericórdias, hospitals and other care and health institutions, royal biographies and aspects of family life.
With conferences and communications in Portugal, Spain, England, Italy, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Brazil, Argentina and the Czech Republic, she has published several dozen articles in journals and chapters of collective works in Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Italy, England and Argentina. She has coordinated scientific journals in Portugal and Brazil and is a researcher in national and international projects.
She is the author and coordinator of the following books:
Mulheres, espaço e sociabilidade (2ª metade do século XVIII), 1989.
Pobreza, assistência e controlo social em Coimbra, 1750-1850, 2000 (2 vols.).
História Breve das Misericórdias Portuguesas, 1498-2000, 2008 (coauthorship).
António Ferrer Correia (1912-2003), 2008 (coauthorship).
Protecção Social em Portugal na Idade Moderna, 2010.
Na rota da 3ª invasão francesa: o concelho de Mangualde e as suas vítimas, 2011.
Rainhas que o Povo Amou: Estefânia de Hohenzollern e Maria Pia de Saboia, 2011 and 2013.
D. Fernando II, um rei avesso à política, 2013 and 2016.
Coordination and authorship:
Portugaliae Monumenta Misericordiarum 7 (1750-1834), 2008 (co-coord.).
Portugaliae Monumenta Misericordiarum 8 (1834-1910), 2010 (co-coord.)
Portugal e o Piemonte. A Casa Real portuguesa e os Saboias (sécs. XII-XX), 2012 and 2013 (co-coord.).
Portogallo e Piemonte. Nove secoli (XII-XX) di relazioni dinastiche e politiche, 2014 (cocoord.).
Livro de todallas liberdades da Sancta Confraria da Misericórdia da cidade de Coimbra: estudos, fac-simile e transcrição, 2016.
Primeiros textos [em língua portuguesa] sobre igualdade e dignidade humanas, 2019 (co-coord.).
Primeiros livros [em língua portuguesa] de edificação moral, 2019 (co-coord.).
História da Misericórdia de Coimbra (1500-2000), 2 vols, in final drafting phase.
Maria Antónia Lopes is a permanent member of the Scientific Councils of journals and book collections in Portugal and abroad. She has supervised more than 50 Master’s dissertations and PhD theses and has participated in Portuguese and foreign academic and hiring researchers and university professor juries. Part of her production can be read atóniaLopes.
Kate Newey
University of Exeter
Kate Newey is Professor of Theatre History at the University of Exeter. She is a theatre historian specialising in women’s writing and nineteenth century British popular theatre. Her publications include a co-edited collection of essays, Politics, Performance and Popular Culture (Manchester UP, 2016), and the monographs Women’s Theatre Writing in Victorian Britain (Palgrave, 2005), and John Ruskin and the Victorian Theatre co-authored with cultural historian, Jeffrey Richards (Palgrave, 2010). Kate has contributed numerous essays on the nineteenth century theatre and popular culture to collections published by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Routledge, Blackwells, and Ashgate.
Kate has held research Fellowships at Harvard University, the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC, and the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Centre, University of Texas (Austin). She has led several funded projects, and has just finished collaborating on an Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded project on ‘Theatre and Visual Culture in the Long Nineteenth-Century.’ Kate has previously collaborated on ‘A Cultural History of English Pantomime, 1837-1901’ ‘John Ruskin and the Victorian Theatre,’ with Jeffrey Richards and Peter Yeandle, and ‘Nineteenth Century Women Playwrights.’
From 2024, Kate is lead researcher (Principal Investigator) on a project funded by the European Research Council and the United Kingdom Research & Innovation Council, ‘Women’s Transnational Theatre Networks, 1789-1914.’
Ana Isabel Vasconcelos
Universidade Aberta
Ana Isabel Vasconcelos is a lecturer at the Department of Humanities of Universidade Aberta (UAb) and a researcher at the Centre for Theatre Studies (CET – FLUL). In 2000 she obtained a PhD in Portuguese Studies, specialising in Portuguese Literature, with a thesis entitled O Drama Histórico Português no Século XIX (1836-56), published by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2003. Her research and respective publications have been centered on the history of Portuguese theatre, with a special focus on the 19th and 20th centuries. Within the scope of the collection “Biographies of Portuguese Theatre”, a CET project sponsored by the National Theatres D. Maria II and São João, with the seal of INCM, she is the author of Emília das Neves, a work that recovers the story of one of the most important nineteenth-century actresses, framed in the social and cultural context of her time.